Sunday, 10 November 2013


Hello Everyone. How was your Sunday? I hope great. Sorry this post is coming late, some deities did not want me to post today as the gods of the blogging world were working against me putting up today’s post but I prevailed.

Well today was our harvest and bazaar in church and I made sure I signed my signature and left my mark before leaving. This is the only day that gluttony is permitted. From Jollof and fried rice to palm wine and suya, gizzard and chips, pepper soup and sandwich, fried fish and chicken amongst others. This day comes only once in a year so I believe I am allowed to indulge. If anyone says they have not at least once participated in the sin of gluttony, let them cast the first stone..waiting..still waiting..yeah, I guessed as much. It’s allowed biko. Thankfully there is a pharmacy close to my house so I am covered.

Despite the distraction around me in church today I still managed to take home something I’d like to share: "God does not just look at the greatness of the work but also at the love with which it is performed. Do not give grudgingly; it is not by force to give".

The weather today was stifling hot and humid. In fact the weather was not for living beings but for cremation and for animals grazing in the fields. The sun was just showing off and flexing its muscles but I still managed to get a few pictures. I hope you all like it.

I love love love my dress. It's an Indian sari. You know the ones that come with the material for pants as well. Instead of making the regular long dress with the pants, I decided to make mine shorter and along the line I would make something else with the pants material. This outfit was fit to perfection and made by the wonderful Finesse Couture. Trust me guys, she makes the best dresses at really affordable prices and even has sample fabrics that you can patronize. 

Dress: Made by Finesse couture (add her on bb: 2AFCC5AA & follow her on IG @eventfinessecouture)
Shoes: F&F
Purse: Splash

Have a blessed and fulfilled week ahead.



  1. Absolutely gorgeous outfit!!! Did the scarf come from the material? Definitely making one for myself.

    1. Thanks a lot dear. It's 3 piece. The scarf, the material for the dress and the material for the pants.

  2. Outfit of life + gluttony of life ( always frst în line) *coversface* *runsaway*

    1. loool yes oh I can't even lie. I had a great time o. You should have come though

  3. i love the dress,was it sewn? and d scarf, is it 2 pieces...really lovely.

    Ps: U must not eat during bazaar :p


    1. Yes dear it was sewn. Like I explained to bumzybee, its 3 piece. The scarf, the dress and the other material for the pants which I haven't sewn yet though. I have major plans for it.

  4. #Kisses# u rock hun,I luv luv luv dis!

  5. Nice1 lav...u look churchy n smart all d same..

    1. lool @ churchy. I be smart church girl before na

  6. All I can say is beautiful.....muaaah!

  7. Nice! Nicee!! Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Love the outfit, from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet!
