Hello my lovely, blessed, special, loyal and faithful
people. I know it’s been ages since I last updated a post and I can’t even
believe it myself that I have been away from this page, one I used to visit
every day. I am so sorry that I have been away for so long and there is so much
that I want to say but honestly do not know where to start. Maybe I should
start by saying Happy New Month!!!! ( even though this is the 10th
of the month, it’s better late than never). Hope you all are doing great.
So much has happened since the last time I put up a post
that you all would not even believe but I will give you all the gist as time
goes by. The first thing I have to say is that I recently relocated (though for
a short period) to a totally different continent and have been very busy with
settling in and getting my s&*%# in order. I must say, it hasn't been easy
at all but I serve a living God and he has definitely seen me through. He has
really showed me how to be still and know that he is God. To all those, that
knew (even though less than a handful) and supported me all through, I just
want to use this medium to say thank you and I really do appreciate your
friendship. To all those that came on the morning of my departure and cleared
my wardrobe (you know yourselves too) just know that I am naked in this town
because of you people..Okay lol, am just kidding..love you girls..
and finally to all those that kept hounding me about my next post, hmm I am
flattered O! I no know say una like am like this but I am really grateful. It
is you guys that keep me motivated (hmm, why am I sounding like certain people
that we all know, even though I haven’t attained that status). I may not have many
followers and viewers but the few I have, I love and appreciate.
I really missed blogging and though I do not promise that I
will be consistent over the next couple of weeks, know that I will try my best
to put up posts as much as possible though it’s not easy as I do not have
friends here to help take pictures. Due to this, majority of my posts
would be write-ups and if you enjoy the “Surviving Lagos” series (God I hope
you all do) then you are in luck as there is still loads where that came
from and since I am in another city, you should expect a surviving “this place”